Wednesday, April 3, 2013



Mummies Made in Egypt by Aliki (1985)

Mummies Made in Egypt written and illustrated by Aliki tells all about the mummification process of Ancient Egypt. Aliki explains why the Ancient Egyptians believed mummification was important for people and animals.

Mummies by Joyce Milton (1996)
Mummies written by Joyce Milton and illustrated by Susan Swan has a lot of amazing mummy facts. Milton features information about The Great Pyramid, pharaohs, and mummies.

Tut's Mummy Lost and Found by Judy Donnelly (1988)

Tut's Mummy Lost and Found written by Judy Donnelly uncovers the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb by archeologist Howard Carter. This books tells about how Carter found the tomb and describes the treasures that were buried with King Tut.

Ancient Egypt (DK Eyewitness Books) by George Hart (2008)

Ancient Egypt(DK Eyewitness Books) by George Hart tells about the Ancient Egyptians. There are dozens of photographs and drawings of Egyptian tools, jewelry, art, hieroglyphics, food, and clothes. This book contains a CD of Egyptian clip art and a fold-out wall chart about Ancient Egypt.

National Geographic Kids Everything Ancient Egypt: Dig Into a Treasure Trove of Facts by Crispin Boyer (2012)
National Geographic Kids Everything Ancient Egypt: Dig into a Treasure Trove of Facts by Crispin Boyer gives many facts about Ancient Egypt. Fun features in the back of the book tell how to write, play, and draw like an Egyptian.

Ralph Masiello’s Ancient Egypt Drawing Book by Ralph Masiello (2008)

 Ralph Masiello’s Ancient Egypt Drawing Book by Ralph Masiello shows how to draw pyramids, sphinxes, pharaohs, scarabs, and Egyptian gods step-by-step. Masiello gives information about Ancient Egypt on each page of this book written especially for budding artists.

Cleopatra (Time Traveling Twins) by Peter Vennema (1997)

Cleopatra (Time Traveling Twins) by Peter Vennema and illustrated by Diane Stanley tells of the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra. This book describes her powerful and tragic life as queen of Egypt.




"Animal Mummies" by National Geographic


"Animal Mummies" by National Geographic (November 2009) shows how Ancient Egyptians mummified all kinds of animals including crocodiles, monkeys, birds, sheep, dogs and cats. 

The interactive map from this article shows pictures and the location where each animal mummy was found. 




 Mysteries of Ancient Egypt (DVD) 1998

   Mysteries of Ancient Egypt (DVD), starring Omar Shariff and Kate Maberly, is a National Geographic documentary about Egypt. Film footage of the Nile River, the pyramids at Giza, and several Ancient Egyptian temples are included in this film about the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb by Howard Carter.

  Ancient Egypt Unearthed (DVD- 2 Disc Set) 2009

   Ancient Egypt Unearthed (DVD), produced by the Discovery Channel, documents the history of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Information about the pyramids, Egyptian queens, pharaohs, and tombs are discussed by Dr. Zahi Hawass. 



The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty (CD) Abridged telling by Jim Weiss  2004

   The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty and abridged telling by Jim Weiss is a historical fiction tale set in Ancient Egypt. This story gives facts and details about Egypt in an exciting and suspenseful story about a boy prince.





 Reading Rainbow: Mummies Made in Egypt Episode #54 (Vimeo) 1989

   Levar Burton hosted the popular Reading Rainbow 30-minute television series. This episode is about Ancient Egypt and features the book Mummies Made in Egypt by Aliki.


Online Resources: features information about mummies, gods, pharaohs, and hieroglyphs. There are fonts, clip art, and hieroglyphics available for download.

The British Museum features Egyptian life, geography, gods and goddesses, mummies, pharaohs, pyramids, temples, trades, and, writing of Ancient Egypt.

Mr. Donn's website features information about Ancient Egypt. There is even a hieroglyph cartouche maker.

Mark Fillmore's website features information about Ancient Egypt. Recommended books, apps, interactive games and quizzes are featured.

National Geographic Kids features Egypt fun facts, videos, and maps. There is a feature to send an Egyptian e-card.